The Future of Data Exchange: From Interoperability to Connectivity
Interoperability is a very loaded term; we’re moving away from it in favor of Connectivity which better communicates what AEC is all about.
In today's digital world, we often find ourselves lost in the jargon of "interoperability", "data exchange", and "data transfer". If you're in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) sector, these terms are almost second nature. Why? Because our industry's software systems are incredibly diverse, leading to scattered data stored in many different silos.
Imagine having valuable data but not being able to access it due to software limitations. Painful, right? This fragmentation has resulted in a dependency on specific software licenses and applications that can open particular proprietary file formats. It's as if our hard-earned projects are held hostage by these dominant players in the software market.
Did you know? There is a $1.6 trillion opportunity to close the productivity gap in the AEC industry. These are significant losses that are attributed to interoperability issues.
This pressing need to break down barriers is where "interoperability" steps in. Inspired by these challenges, Speckle came into existence. My co-founder Dimitrie, even based his Ph.D. research on this subject.
Speckle's Solution to the Interoperability Challenge
As Speckle evolved, our mission became clear: to address the interoperability conundrum in the AEC industry.
However, our journey made us realize that the term "interoperability" was often misconstrued. When people hear "seamless" or "lossless", they imagine a utopian level of perfection.

For instance, a BIM project will not have the same qualities and attributes inside a CAD software; or a parametric model will not be as flexible and dynamic inside a mesh base modeler. Every software serves a distinct purpose, and it’s unrealistic to think about seamlessly exchanging data across the two with no data loss.
Just because someone made a roller coaster simulation in Excel doesn't mean it's a good idea. Watch the Excel Roller Coaster Simulation here.
Introducing a Paradigm Shift: Connectivity over Interoperability
Speckle’s Connectors have been at the forefront, empowering data sharing across a wide array of AEC applications. Our experience has led us to a revelation:
Interoperability in AEC is a Myth 🦄
Instead of chasing this elusive ideal, we're advocating for a focus on Connectivity. Think about it:
- Architects sketching preliminary designs
- Engineers conducting structural checks
- BIM managers creating Business Intelligence reports
They don't necessarily need perfect interoperability. They need to transfer essential information effortlessly, using tools they trust. In essence, Speckle champions data-driven design.

Looking Ahead
We envision a future where Connectivity takes the lead. By freeing projects from file constraints, we can explore the potential of data that is both accessible and interconnected. By collaborating flawlessly with peers via cutting-edge web technologies or deploying automation to accelerate productivity, Speckle is here to empower you and your teams.
Begin your journey with Speckle here. 🚀
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