We stand with Ukraine ๐๐
Itโs already been more than two months since Russian troops have invaded Ukraine, as the war continues to unfold we want to share a quick message with our community.
We condemn these horrific acts of violence against a sovereign and peaceful nation and its people and we are united with the people of Ukraine.
Specklers, members of our global community, and millions of other people from impacted regions have been affected by these devastating events. We are looking forward to the time when everyone can live and work safely, and focus on the fun challenges of 3D design, while not being life threatened or having to constantly worry about the safety and health of our dear ones.
We also stand with all Russian nationals who are equally appalled by the actions of their government in a senseless war that was not of their choosing.
There are a few things we can all do to bring this moment closer. Volunteering groups have been organized all over Europe and the World to help collect humanitarian aid, assist refugees with transport and accommodation, and provide supplies for the Ukrainian defense. If you are willing to help but do not have time or access to join your local volunteering group, you can still help by donating money, sharing verified information about the war, and most importantly, informing yourself (there is, unfortunately, an increasing amount of fake news and propaganda).
- verified donation links sorted by cause can be found here https://standforukraine.com/
- reliable information sources https://supportukrainenow.org/read-info-from-the-source
We hope for the quickest possible resolution and peace in Ukraine ๐๐.
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