The data hub that connects with your AEC tools.

Speckle for Automation

Goodbye, repetitive tasks!

Kick into high gear with pre-built automations for your workflows.
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Triggered by your rules

Set up automations based on model changes, schedules, or manual triggers—no coding required. From checking BIM standards to streamlining data transfers, Speckle Automate runs workflows exactly when you need them.


Use Speckle’s pre-built automations like Model Checker (for model validation) and Data Shield (for removing sensitive data) or build and deploy your own automation functions to fit your team’s specific needs.

Works with any AEC data

Automate tasks across Revit, Navisworks, Archicad, Rhino, Grasshopper, Tekla, Blender, and more. If you can get it into Speckle, you can automate it.

See it, solve it

Run automations in the background and review the results in Speckle’s online viewer. Flag issues, tag collaborators, and turn data into action—without jumping between apps.

Advanced insights and queryable results

Speckle Automate outputs structured data that can be queried, visualized, or sent to BI tools like Power BI for real-time tracking, reporting, and decision-making.


Need to automate something to fit your team’s specific needs? Easy! Learn about custom-built automation in Speckle here.

Key Speckle Automation workflows

Other use cases

Speckle FAQ

What’s Speckle?

Speckle is a data hub that connects with your favorite AEC tools. It stores your 3D models and BIM data, empowering your team to access, share, and process data without tech limitations.

What’s the price?

Check out our pricing page; we have options for all team sizes and budgets. If you need something custom, do not hesitate to contact us.

How do I start?

You sign up for free, open up a workspace where you can invite others in, and install connectors that match all the tools you’re using in a current project.

Is Speckle a 2D or 3D software?

Speckle handles your 3D data.

What are Speckle connectors?

Connectors are unique and powerful plugins for design and analysis tools. They let you easily exchange geometry and BIM data with others without sending a single file—the magic of object-based workflows.

What happens when I use connectors?

With our connectors, get real-time updates in your modeling app when your team makes even the most minor changes. You share only what you need—no more big file clutter.

Who is Speckle made for?

All AEC teams and beyond! Architects, computational designers, civil and structural engineers, planners, BIM managers, and others rely on it for seamless cross-platform collaboration.

Is Speckle open source?

Speckle’s code is open for you to study, modify, redistribute, and commercialize. But you won't notice a difference if you’re not building a new tool; your workspaces are not open source!

Is Speckle enterprise safe?

Yes. Thousands trust Speckle in top global AEC firms! We continuously monitor, improve, and undergo regular external audits to secure your data. Learn more here.

How many connectors are there?

You can install connectors ideal for architects, computational designers, structural engineers, civil engineers, planners, BIM specialists, and beyond. Check out the complete list here!

Why is Speckle’s viewer special?

Because it’s as sleek as it gets! Load your model in Speckle’s online 3D viewer, visualize geometry, and simply share a link with anyone, regardless of their software licenses. Perfect for presenting and collaborating!

How do I collaborate in Speckle?

In a safe and intuitive workspace setting. You can share models and projects, start discussions, run automations, track history, exchange data across different AEC tools, and much more. Fall in love with Speckle here!

I have a problem using Speckle. What do I do?

Our Community Forum is open for you 24/7. You’ll find support from our team and worldwide power users who are ready to suggest a solution quickly!

How does Speckle compare to ACC, Rhino.Inside.Revit or others?

Check out our comparison articles in the footer down below!