TeklaStructures to Web Viewer

tekla to viewer

Speckle is your data hub that connects with your AEC tools.

Made for presenting

Explore your Tekla Structures model by category. See it overlayed with any other model to get the full picture. Create custom views with color filters on meaningful object properties.

Share with anyone

Embed your Tekla Structures model as an iframe in Notion, PowerPoint, websites, or other apps. Free of cost and no desktop application needed for viewing.

Brainstorm in 3D

Tag elements with comments to flag issues or spark discussions. Need more context? Upload images, PDFs or even other model links directly in the comments.

Track progress

See which objects have been added, deleted or modified from day one. Leverage a complete version history for better future decisions.

Good to know

Tekla Structures objects come with report properties and any custom user attributes.
Publishing 2D drawings is not yet supported.

How it works

1. Start for free

Sign up for Speckle and install the Tekla Structures connector.

2. Upload your Tekla Structures model

Use the Speckle connector for Tekla Structures  to send your model to the cloud.

3. View, share and brainstorm

View the model in the browser, and share it with anyone by generating a link or email invite.


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